Starting School
School Day
Useful Info
Governing Body
Governors work closely with headteachers, school staff and Academy Trustees.
Clerking services are provided by Stanley Learning Partnership Langley Park Primary School, Langley Park, Co Durham. DH7 9XN. Telephone: 01207 266700.
Aims, Ethos and Vision
of our Governing Body
At Burnhope Primary School our Local Governing Body wants every child to enjoy learning and develop confidence, independence and a feeling of self-worth. Governors ask questions, gather information and help make decisions about the school. Our school’s Governing Body meets in school once every term. Under our current Governance structure all financial decision for the school are made at Trustee level.
Together, we aim to provide a caring, supportive, stimulating environment in which all our children can develop into thoughtful, capable individuals.
We make learning vivid and real, engaging all our learners through the provision of a rich and varied curriculum and inspirational teaching. We have high expectations of each individual, aiming to raise aspirations and break down barriers to success.
Our vision is to be at the heart of our local community, fostering a warm sense of belonging through trust and understanding. We want to encourage every individual to reach for the stars and aim to support families to achieve their full potential.
Sub-committees meet as and when required. Current committee membership/working parties and terms of reference are detailed below, however, for more information please contact Stanley Learning Partnership on (01207) 266700.
Governing Body Committee Structure
Meet our Governing Body
Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies
Burnhope Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department of Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools.
The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools (2017)
Annual Governance Statement
You can view or download our Annual Governance Statement by clicking the link below:
Annual Governing_Body statement 2020
How To Become A School Governor
If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.
Skills Audit
You can view our most recent skills audit below.
If you would like a paper copy of any the items on this website, we will be happy to provide this for you free of charge. If you require further information please contact the school and we will do our best to help.