Starting School
School Day
Useful Info
School Performance
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted regulate and inspect schools and colleges to seek improvement in the service. They carry out large number of inspections and regulatory visits in England and publish their finding on their website.
Department for Education
Many Parents are keen to see how we are performing in relation to other schools.
Exam and Assessment Results (including previous SAT results)
Every year we will publish our official exam and assessment results for Key Stage 2.
No assessments were undertaken in 2020 or 2021 due to Covid-19.
Childcare Provision
Burnhope Primary School offer childcare provision. Full details of the provision provided can be found in our Childcare Provision section of our website.
Check School Performance Tables
You can use performance tables (sometimes known as league tables) to compare schools and colleges in your area. You can check:
exam and test results
financial information
Ofsted reports
You can only see statistics for schools and colleges in England.
Start your search here
If you would like a paper copy of any the items on this website, we will be happy to provide this for you free of charge. If you require further information please contact the school and we will do our best to help.