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Curriculum Plans

You can view or download or Long Term Curriculum plans by clicking the links below. 

At Burnhope Primary we follow a 2-year rolling cycle.

This year we are following Cycle A.


Curriculum Statement


At Burnhope Primary School we follow a separate subject approach. Links to other subjects are made where relevant. Our intent is that our children receive a broad and balanced curriculum, as it is our belief that each of the subjects are as important as the other, with equal value. The intention is that children should know more, remember more and do more to equip them for their next steps in life and eventually employment.



The curriculum is designed to support teaching staff to have a secure subject knowledge across the subject range. Each subject leader clearly maps out progression within each subject, giving clear learning intentions, strategies for recording, cross-curricular links and educational visits to ensure that there is depth to each theme taught.


Clear assessment strategies are prominent within our curriculum to ensure that children are tracked throughout the year to confirm that all children make at least good progress. Direct feedback on learning is given to children to ensure that any misconceptions are addressed. Children are part of their own assessment process. Self-assessment takes place within subjects assisting in embedding learning. The curriculum design ensures that children have a secure knowledge base of each theme taught at the end of each key stage.


Teaching is holistic and delivered in a range of ways incorporating STEM where relevant. Learning environments have the stimulus to support effective teaching, learning, knowledge and progress with the foundation subjects.



The curriculum has proven that children are achieving well and at least good progress is being made across the range of subjects.


The curriculum design has ensured that staff are supported in their research and delivery of the subjects taught. The children develop their knowledge through both teacher led activities and children being self led learners, finding their own answers to expand their knowledge. We encourage children to take ownership for their knowledge base by giving opportunities to research, synthesise, critique, hypothesise, evaluate and problem solve. Our curriculum has a positive impact on the engagement of learners and progress within Burnhope Primary School.


At Burnhope Primary School we follow the national curriculum and further details can be found on the website.


Parents and Carers will find further information by selecting the links provided below:


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Burnhope Primary School, we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers. The Curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. Further information can be found in the SEN Information Report. If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.

Curriculum Library

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Art and Design
After School Clubs
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